London Fields Triathlon Club

Rimini Club Camp

London Fields Triathlon Club do a yearly club camp abroad where members can go and get a good solid week of training in before the triathlon season really kicks in. As part of the club camp each year, the club puts together a t-shirt to remeber the trip. This year MOMO was again asked to design and develop a t-shirt that not only helped participating members remeber the fun they had on the trip, but also make a t-shirt that could create aditional marketing power for the club by making a t-shirt that mamber would love to wear long after they were back.

The design takes the cycling profiles of all the routes that the camp planned to take. These cycling profiles were used to form the mountains on the t-shirt. Wit the LFTC logo in the setting sun. 

As a fun little additional graphic to help the club get excited about the trip, MOMO also created a little amimation to help celebrate the trip that was to be used on the club Instagram account. This was just a quick bit of typographical animation put together using the animography font FRANCHISE.

Matthew Osborne